Nevertheless, stealing from this character is fairly easy, as he has a big blind spot behind him, making it extremely easy to sneak and pickpocket. Akabi has other items that can be stolen, but it may not be the risk. A rogue-like character such as Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3 should have a higher success rate when messing with the djinni’s belongings. The best way of getting rid of it is by making a character pickpocket Akabi. While he has the ring, it is impossible to hit the jackpot. The source of the wheel’s tampering in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Djinni Ring, an item equipped on Akabi’s beard. Nevertheless, players are encouraged to spin the wheel a second time, but only after completing a small task. It is a funny moment, but one that takes far too long to dispel. If they want to avoid an unnecessary nuisance, they should not do this – angry, Akabi will transform them temporarily into a wheel of cheese. Upon passing the Perception check and realizing that Akabi’s wheel has been rigged, players will get the option of accusing him.